
circular reasoning

I've been working on a pretty little sitting area in our bedroom. It's almost finished, but I feel it's begging for a small table to put beside the antique settee. I could post a picture for you, if'n I hadn't dropped my beloved new camera last week. (But let's not talk about that. It's recovering nicely in the Canon Hospital right now.) 

So anyway, imagine this beautiful gold leafy-like finished settee with some colorful pillows (sewn by moi) in lots of orange, blue and lilac patterns and hues. Somehow, I'm picturing a clean-lined modern table to offset the all the blingy fru-fru. Hmmm....how about the iconic Saarinen tulip table? Maybe this time with the walnut top on the classic white base? Yeah, I'm feelin' it. 

Come to think of it, I've had this feeling before. And, in fact, it's more than a feeling. I fear this affection for all things round has become an obsession. Oh no. And so it began....

Years ago, I spotted this mirror and I knew I had to have it. However, having just taken early retirement from my career, the wanting part was about all I could muster up. Long story short, I DIY'd myself into the darn thing, and so began my obsession with the circular shapeliness.

Exhibit A: Sunburst Mirror
Walking through the house, I see this disturbing (disturbingly BEAUTIFUL, methinks) pattern emerging. Circles. Circles everywhere. Some fourish years ago, I sold the hand-carved rectangular dining room table and replaced it with Mr. Saarinen's Tulip table. Some people thought I was crazy but I've never looked back. I was mezmerized by Tulip's sensually simple lines, captivated by it's beautiful sculptural curves. As the story goes, Saarinen's Tulip collection was an attempt at reducing the structural elements of a table to the most basic shape, and was inspired by a drop of high-viscosity liquid. Saarinen explained, “The underside of typical chairs and tables makes a confusing, unrestful world. I wanted to clear up the slum of legs.” Yes, yes, . There can be no "slum of legs" in my house!! And besides, the table was ROUND.

Exhibit B

Truth of the matter is that nearly every table in the house is round. Yikes. 

Round, round, round and a round Royal
Again, no sharp edges.
There's no escaping, even for the husband. Sigh......
So, what does all of this mean? Is there some cosmic method to my madness? Is it something to do with the circle of life? Does every end represent a new beginning? Or am I destined to live out my days in some sort of existential cylindricalism? 

Yeah, so back to that table in the bedroom. I'm leaning toward this little number. I think it's pretty cute. Any thoughts???? :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well, you also love 'Raising Arizona'. And maybe you remember Evelle telling Gale that he'd bought grub, baby wipes, diapers and a package of balloons at the store. Gale asks him if they blow up into "funny shapes and all" and Evelle says, "No, just circular."
